EFFO October meeting and iO Convention
EFFO October meeting and iO Convention discount
L’AFO représentera la France lors du meeting de l’EFFO du 11 octobre 2018 au Royal Society of Medicine à Londres.
Au programme :
- Update Reports
- CEN Project
- WHO Benchmark update by Chair of OIA, Charles Hunt
- Main options for CEN review
- PROMs Project
- Member engagement – Newsletters and Network Meetings
- Treasurer’s report
- New website
- Regulation Update (Italy, Luxembourg, Denmark)
- EFFO Governance Review
- Bringing the EFFO Strategic Plan to life: what do members need?
- Plenary feedback from groups MJ/MC Discuss
- Themed update from countries
– Education
– Promotion
– Lobbying etc
Cette journée précédera le la convention organisée par l’Institute of Osteopathy qui offre 50 % de réduction aux membres de l’EFFO.
Information sur le site : https://www.ioconvention.com
iO Convention is the biggest and best-known osteopathic training and networking event in the UK osteopathic calendar. This year’s Convention, running from 12th – 14th October, offers an outstanding line-up of speakers, workshops and networking opportunities. Taking place once again at the prestigious Grange St Paul’s Hotel, London, Convention will bring together the profession to learn, engage and reflect upon our recent achievements and look to the exciting future for the profession.
The 2018 Convention theme will be, ‘The next 25 years’, as we look to continue the growth of the profession. As we celebrate this important milestone, we’ll consider the opportunities ahead for osteopaths and what challenges we will need to overcome. There will also be the usual high quality CPD workshops, networking opportunities and a chance to recognise and celebrate success with the Awards Night and Gala Dinner.
Book your place now using code EFFO and get 50% off.