Prochains Webinars de l’EFFO
Cliquez pour découvrir le programme des webinars du mois de mai.
Dear colleagues,
Thank you all for attending our latest online Network Meeting this week. During these difficult times for our profession during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to work together and co-operate across borders in a constructive way. In that way, we can inspire each other, share possible solutions and best practice, so we can manage to navigate through all the challenges
that we face, as an united community.
We want to introduce our upcoming activities in our series of “Working Differently, Working Well” that are scheduled for May and have been confirmed. You will receive separate invitations by email for all our online webinars, with an interactive link.5,6 & 8 May: Social Media (SoMe) Seminars. If your organisation hasn’t yet registered for our Social Media workshops on the 5, 6 and 8 May, at 16:00 CET, then please send an email to Laura Lee Kamppila, EFFO Taskforce and Chair for our Marketing & Communications
Working Group: media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, are the main communication channels nowadays, that practically all people are using. Utilising the SoMe platforms is by far the most effective way to reach to our members, other healthcare professions, potential clients or patients, politicians and other decision makers. It is essential to understand how effective Social Media is, to build awareness and reputation of our profession. Please join us for those three seminars! We have space for 60 people, so 2-3 people from each member organisation can join. Links to these webinars will be sent directly to those who have signed up
7 May: Our second Masterclass, this time with the incomparable Professor Renzo Molinari DO, on the topic: « Women’s Health in Osteopathy from A.T. Still to Today ». The webinar is sponsored by the Finnish Osteopathic Association, Suomen Osteopaattiliitto. Renzo’s video will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel at 10 CET on 7 May. Please do alert your memberships that this will be on our YouTube Channel here: May: Online live Q & A with Prof. Renzo Molinari DO at 19.00 CET, hosted by Laura Lee Kamppila. A link to the live webinar will be sent to you in a separate email.
14 May: Our third Masterclass, this time with our own EFFO member and colleague, Simeon Asher at 19.00 CET on the theme: “Treating the frozen shoulder – a trigger point perspective”.
Simeon has kindly offered to deliver the lecture for free. Thanks Simeon! Our colleague Tomas Collin will host and record Simeon’s Masterclass, which will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. You will receive a separate invitation to Simeon’s online webinar with a direct link by email. This live online webinar will be open to all our membership. So please forward the invitation to your membership, when you receive our email.20 May: Our fourth Masterclass, this time by Dr. Oliver Thomson at 18.00 CET on the topic: “Words Matter – choosing words wisely with back pain: how to help and not harm”. The webinar is sponsored by the Danish Association, Danske Osteopater. Our colleague Tomas Collin will host Oliver’s Masterclass which is only open to the national representatives and will not be recorded. You will receive a separate invitation to Oliver’s online webinar with a direct link by email.
26 May: Our next Network Members Meeting is at 19.30 CET. Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone –
We are looking forward to seeing you all online in May.
Take care and stay safe!EFFO Task Force
Hanna Tómasdóttir
President EFFO, Chair, Regulation WGLaura Lee Kamppila
Chair, Marketing & Communications WG
Chiara Arienti
Chair, Research WGTomas Collin
Chair, Education WG